Our Team
Vassil Roussev is a Canizaro-Livingston Endowed Professor in Cybersecurity in the Department of Computer Science. The main areas of research and expertise include cyber security, digital forensics, privacy, distributed/cloud systems, cybersecurity education, and CSCW. He is an Editor of the Journal of Digital Investigation, and is a Co-Founder and Director of DFRWS -- a non-profit which organizes two annual DFRWS event (US and EU). Dr. Roussev has been awarded over 30 research grants and contracts with over $6.4M in total funding, and has over 50 peer reviewed publications in the field of digital forensics, including a recent book. He completed his Ph.D. work in Computer Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Assistant Professor
Minhaz Zibran is the Director of the Laboratory for Software Engineering Research (LaSER), and an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the University of New Orleans. His research interests include cybersecurity education, software security, software engineering, and affective computing. Minhaz has experience of working in software industry including SED Systems in Canada and several software companies in Bangladesh. Minhaz has co-authored many scholarly articles published in ACM and IEEE sponsored international conferences and reputed journals. He is a reviewer for scientific publications in conference proceedings and journals published by reputed publishers such as ACM, IEEE, Springer, and Elsevier. He is involved in organizing international conferences in software engineering. His recent awards include a Best Paper Award from the 10th IEEE International Workshop on Software Clones (IWSC 2016). Minhaz holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. During his PhD, he was the recipient of doctoral scholarship (CAD $42,000) from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. He was also a recipient of another national fellowship (CAD $12,000) from the Walter C. Sumner Foundation, Canada."
Assistant Professor
I am a computer security researcher. I am currently working as a postdoc at NIS Lab, UGA. I completed my PhD under the supervision of Dr. Roberto Perdisci. I have broad research interests in web and network security. I often use machine learning and data mining techniques to aid in solving system security problems. Apart from developing defenses, I am also interested in detection methods, forensics and security-related measurements.
Visiting Assistant Professor
I am a postdoc in the department of Computer Science at the University of New Orleans. I obtained my Ph.D in Computer Engineering from the Ajou University in 2017. My research interests lie in computer security, especially in dynamic binary analysis, finding exploitable software bugs, virtualization, and industrial control system security.
Adjunct Professor
Joe T. Sylve is the Director of Research and Development at BlackBag Technologies, Inc and an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at the University of New Orleans. His interests are in Memory Analysis, Reverse Engineering, Digital Forensics, Computer Security, Incident Response, and Operating System Internals. He is the author of several open source digital forensic tools such as LiME Forensics, the first tool set that allows full physical memory acquisition from Android devices. He is the co-organizer of both NOLASec, a monthly security meetup, and BSidesNOLA, an annual security conference, and is devoted to promoting computer security and digital forensics awareness, education, and jobs in his home city of New Orleans. Dr. Sylve is a GIAC Certified Forensic Analyst and received his Ph.D. in 2017 from the University of New Orleans. He has published several peer-reviewed publications on digital forensics.
Research Assistant
I am currently a Master's student studying Computer Science at The University of New Orleans. Most of my work experience has been in various roles in hotel management. I transitioned into the field of Computer Science by enrolling as a post baccalaureate student at The University of New Orleans in the Summer of 2015. I currently work as a Software Engineering Apprentice for GE-Digital New Orleans as well as a Research Assistant for the Computer Science Department at UNO. I enjoy spending time with my family, wedding photography and traveling the world with family and friends. I hope to continue my education after earning my Master's by pursing a Phd in Engineering and Applied Sciences.
Web Developer